Quick and Easy membership, starting September 2023
This subscription is ideal for women residing in Lebanon as we know the actual financial crises.
What makes it worthy?
Many Single persons are interested in our memberships but have never been encouraged, Quick & Easy membership allows them to get used to the idea of meeting other members and receive propositions when it’s possible. (it's comparable to a break-in)
6 months 500 $ /euro. Payable in one time
-Opportunity to
start meeting new interesting people
-It works on the principle of confirmed matches (which is just another way of saying we ensure that someone wants to meet you), if you agree of course.
-Possibility to up great to new standard Membership saving your payment
It allows you to keep
your file in our search engine for 6 months
Your personal data
remains 100% confidential. Only a tiny summary ‘profile’ can be used to introduce
After reviewing your
application, if we believe that the PomdAmour International is a good fit for
you, your membership shall be accepted.
Initial Consultation:
Rapidly, you shall receive a call or an email agreement to fix the date and time for in-person consultation or a WhatsApp video Call or any other platform to get to know you better and respond to all your pending questions.
Each criteria is important, each require is essential for an enhanced match
Once you are convinced and feel confident you will decide to move forward and meet your potential partner, photos are essential to glimpse your match before meeting him in person for your first date.
We believe transparency reinforce trust
Kindly check the finale close in Terms and Privacy policy click here

APPLY NOW it is 100% Confidential